Your Partner in Hope, Healing, and Recovery

Recovery solutions from the heart

At AH Bacon Recovery, we believe in the power of recovery to transform lives. Guided by the personal and professional expertise of founder Anita Bacon, we provide compassionate support, community connection, and innovative workforce solutions to help individuals and families overcome the challenges of addiction.


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We want to create careers for peers not just jobs.

Peer Support Specialist are expected to play an increasing important role in the mental health workforce. In the future, the need for peer support is growing as more people in the u s experience, mental health conditions and substance use disorder, peer support specialists can help improve access to supports and outcomes for those individuals.

Meet Anita Hackett Bacon

Certified Peer Support and Substance Abuse Counselor & Recovery Advocate


  • Based in Greensboro, NC, Anita provides daily counseling to clients

    recovering from opiate addiction.

  • Certified Peer Support Specialist since 2019 and Peer Support Trainer

    since 2020.

  • Founder of AHBacon Recovery Solutions and multiple sober living



  • Over 35 years of personal recovery experience.

  • Passionate about helping others discover the joy of recovery and healing.

  • Combines extensive training and lived experience to provide impactful insights.


  • Advocates for the importance of connection to community resources.

  • Works with individuals and families to overcome adversity and rebuild their lives.


  • As a mother of four and grandmother of seven, Anita is dedicated to helping families thrive after difficult life experiences.

Anita Bacon’s Legacy in Peer Support Training

Training in Mills River NC at the Veterans Healing Farm

Training in Burke Country NC at the Burke United Christian Ministries

Umoja Health, Wellness and Justice Collective Asheville NCed Christian


Alan J. Yeck

Executive Director

Veterans Healing Farm

"Anita Bacon was our instructor for the NC Peer Support Certification class at the Veterans Healing Farm. Anita did a wonderful job not only in teaching but her classroom management skills. She is truly a caring person and that genuinely makes it so much easier for people to learn and share their own life experiences. She is a professional and we would welcome her back anytime!"

Jordan Peer Recovery Comprehensive Training and Credentials

Core Certification Program

  • Including all required courses for certification Nationally and Statewide = 60 hours

Specialized Course

  • Cultural Responsiveness Training = 8 hours

  • Family Peer Recovery Training = 16 hours

  • Forensic Peer Recovery Training = 16 hours

  • Hospital-Based Peer Recovery Training = 16 hours

  • Essential Skills for the Peer Recovery Workforce = 16 hours

Recognized Credentials

  • North Carolina Certified Peer Support Specialist (NCCPSS)

  • SAMHSA-lnformed Curriculum (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

  • NAADAC (National Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist) for NCPRSS

  • Training aligns with the standards of IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium)

Testimonial from Peer Support Specialist

Partners who've purchase the training

Meet Our Partners

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We Are Proud To Present Our Achievements

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AHBacon Recovery Resources

We believe in the power of recovery to transform lives.



123 Amazing St., Central Park, AB, 12345

© 2025 AHBacon Recovery Resources - All Rights Reserved.